Business name: Rick Liston Photography
Plan completed by: Rick Liston
Date reviewed: 18th October 2020
Covid Safe Plan
From 19th October 2020 the following will apply:
Record Keeping
Name and contact information of all guests present is required.
Ensure Physical Distancing
Both the photographer and the client are to remain at least 1.5 metres apart as much as possible. Sorry, no hand shaking or hugs!
Face Masks
A face mask will be worn by the photographer. People having their photograph taken may remove their face mask for the purpose of the photograph and then must resume wearing it once the photography is complete (unless exempt).
Practice Good Hygiene
Hands and camera gear will be washed and sterilised prior to every session, and whenever possible, during the session. Props will not be supplied by the photographer until further notice.
Avoid Interactions in Enclosed Spaces
No indoor photography is allowed under the current restrictions. Outdoor photography is permitted only.
Regional Victoria
While working in Regional Victoria, the photographer will operate according to the restrictions in Metropolitan Melbourne.