Contact Info
Tell me about the beginning!
Met in Melbs at Flinders St, first date was at the arcade. Alicia’s pupils dilated at the sight of the Mario Kart machine, but contracted after 2nd place! We smoothed things over with drinks at the bar.
When and where did you get engaged?
On the couch last year after a trip to Perth to see family. Quiet and intimate. The surprise nearly got out on the way to the airport when the jeweller rang to say the ring was ready to collect – they thought fast and bailed when they heard Alicia on the other end!
What style/theme have you chosen for your Wedding Day?
Minimalist, rustic, family, simplicity, tuscan.
What are you most looking forward to on the day?
The little moments Alicia and I get to share for ourselves inbetween the big moments.
Top Tips!
Start planning early. Choose quality over scale. Setbacks and surprises are normal and expected. Remember and capture as much as you can, but as much as you’re comfortable with.