Contact Info
Tell me about the beginning!
We both went to the same high school however we did not start talking until year 11 in biology class. Lauren thought Jayden was cute so she went over and slapped his bottom (very confident hahah). We chatted here and there but the start out of story started when Lauren at a party proposed to Jayden with a cheezel asking him to be “her biology partner for life”. Jayden said YES hahaha. From then on we started to be friends and then after two years Jayden asked Lauren out.
When and where did you get engaged?
Engaged March 20th 2021 and at the royal botanical gardens.
What style/theme have you chosen for your Wedding Day?
Quite modern. A white, blush and gold theme. Lots of flowers and candles. We are working with Small things co to make our style come to life!
What are you most looking forward to on the day?
We are looking forward to dancing dancing and dancing!!!
Top Tips!
To be organised! Keep a list and every week knock one thing off!