Contact Info

Tell me about The Beginning!
We met back in 2012/2013 at Bunnings, but didn’t become friends until later on. In 2015, we planned a trip to Japan with some friends and alas grew close. Soon after we started dating; can’t say there was an official first date, however there was a discussion over a cup of hot choccie of where this was going. The rest is history!
When and where did you get engaged?
Just after Christmas 2022, we were in the Gold Coast visiting the Cowtan family. David had gone for a run the day before the proposal and started the day by saying “wow my legs are sore from that run”. Nothing usual about that, but was definitely a good cover story. We were staying in Surfers Paradise and headed out to explore and grab a morning coffee. We were strolling along the beach back to the apartment, Soph holding an iced latte in one hand, ignorant of what was to come. Thinking Dave had stopped to stretch his “sore” legs, Sophie was completely taken off guard when he pulled out a ring. Apologies to David, the first answer he received was an excited “get f***ed” which was followed by squeals of “are you sure? is this real?… everything but a yes. David, still on his knee had to ask… “is that a yes?” Of course it was! In the meantime, the ocean decided to start taking the recently put down iced latte and thrown shoes. Quite a hectic scene for the poor tourists of Surfers Paradise on their leisurely morning stroll. Happy to say, David eventually got a yes after all the fumble of words, the shoes and ice latte were recovered and a lovely passerby took a photo of the happy newly engaged couple.
What style/theme have you chosen for your Wedding Day?
Winery, classic, relaxed vibe.
Floral colours are: sage, whites, champagnes, dusty pinks.
Grooms Party: navy blue suits, floral orange/ pink ties
Brides Party: Champagne, creams
What are you most looking forward to on the day?
We’ve come to Immerse a few times and love the food! We love food, we love wine and we love to boogie.
Excited to see all our loved ones and party the night away.
Top Tips!
Choose a venue that has wet day options, things happen.
Late Night Food!